As schools have been shut down for the meantime we are having to do schoolwork from home. My school have said to do a blog post of what we did today every single day. The fun activity I did today was a scavenger hunt. Here are the instructions and the items I ended up with.

The toy with wheels was a baby rolly elephant which is next to the bear, the book with the first letter of my last name in it is What Katy Did, the pair of matching socks are the penguin socks next to the bear, the 4 things that are green are the stuffed Kermit the Frog, the green ball, my mum's green handbag and the hand sanitizer, the very soft thing is the green blanket, the toy smaller than my hand is the blue dragon figurine, the round thing is the baseball, the book with numbers in it is the maths dictionary which is the small red book next to the bear, the five legos are the car, the small lego bear in a cup, the Gryffindor quidditch stand, the microphone and the robot, the photo of someone I love is a picture of me and my sister in Hanmer Springs, the item that makes me feel cozy is the sheepskin, the toy with three different colours is the rainbow box, the movie with "S" in the title is Sing and the snuggliest stuffed animal is my giant bear. I think I had a good range of different items. Have you ever down a scavenger hunt? If so please comment below. I appreciate your feedback.