
Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Awesome Careers

This term we have been doing some work on careers on Wednesday afternoons. First, we did an attributes quiz to see what jobs would suit us then put those attributes into a job quiz. We then did a series of tasks about what we would like to be when we grow up and what we would need to do that job. I think I did a job. What would you like to be when you grow up?

Friday, September 17, 2021

Magnificent Maori

 Hi bloggers,

Because this week is Maori language week we had to do an animation with 12 Maori words. I decided to do my animation on a football field because I love football. I think I did a good job. Do you have any suggestions of what I could do better? If so please comment below.

Friday, September 3, 2021

Optimum Ocean

Hi bloggers,
This term we have been learning about the ocean and why we need to protect it. Today I had to make a visual of the different things the ocean provides us with. I made this on Canva and think I did a really good job. Can you think of any reasons that I missed? If so please comment below.

Friday, August 27, 2021

Calamitous Cattle

Hi bloggers,

This term we have been learning about how to protect our waterways. Today I learnt about the effects of cattle on waterways and made a Google Drawing about it. 
I think I did a good job. Do you know anything about cattle on waterways that I don´t know? If so please comment below. I appreciate your feedback.

Friday, August 20, 2021

Frightening Fishing

 Hi bloggers,

This term we have been learning about waterways and the problems that lie within the waterways. Today I had to design a pamphlet about overfishing. Overfishing is a major problem that threatens to drive some species of fish to extinction in the near future. I think that I did a great job with this pamphlet and displayed a lot of good information. Do you go fishing? If so please comment below. I appreciate your feedback.

Friday, August 13, 2021

Ghostly Genre

Hi Bloggers,

This term we have been doing genre studies in literacy, and today we had to make a poster about Horror Movies. We had to include what it looks like and what it sounds like. I made my poster on Canva and I think it looks really good. HAve you ever watched a horror movie? If so please comment below. I appreciate your feedback.

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Brilliant Batman

 Hi bloggers,

This term we have been looking at the evolution of superheros. Over the past week we specifically looked at Batman comics and had to analyse three specific comics. I looked at the visual style, the colour scheme, the violence levels and much more. I really enjoyed this and think I did a good job. Who is your favourite superhero?

Batman Comics Through The Years by Quinn Hanson

Friday, May 21, 2021


 Hi bloggers,

Today we had to drop an egg off the stairs in our class and not let it break. To try and make it not break we had to use some materials to protect it. The materials were :

4xsheets of paper

1 meter of string

1 sheet of card

1 plastic bag

2 meters of sellotape

For our protection we wrapped the egg (who we named Bob) in paper and put him in an origami box. We then tied the plastic bag to the box to act as a parachute. We then stuffed the bag with paper and then were done.Bob the egg died and we are all depressed. Have you ever done an egg drop? If so please comment below. I appreciate your feedback.

Friday, March 19, 2021

Superb Snow

 Hi bloggers,

On the last two Fridays, we have been learning to say the weather in Maori. Then we had to go on Scratch and make an animation of people saying the weather in Te Reo. I chose to make my characters say it is snowy. I think I have done a good job. You can view my animation at this link:

Have you ever used Scratch? If so please comment below. I appreciate your feedback.

Friday, March 5, 2021

Terrific Timeline

 Hi bloggers,

As we have been learning about Waitangi Day we had to make a timeline of all the important events. I made it on Canva and I think it is very visually appealing. I think I included lots and a good job. Have you ever learnt about Waitangi day? If so please comment below. I appreciate your feedback.

Te tiriti o Waitangi Timeline by Quinn Hanson

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Perilous Problem

 Hi bloggers,

This term we have been learning about keeping ourselves safe. Today we got given a comic strip depicting a problem. We then had to fill in the blank square with a picture to solve the problem. The comic I got was one of people at a disco and then some people exclude another person. I think I did a picture which sorted out the problem. Can you tell which one I did? If so please comment below. I appreciate your feedback.

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Woeful Waitangi

 Hi bloggers,

In the last few weeks, we have been learning about the Treaty of Waitangi. For this task, we had to write the story of the  British arrival from the point of view of either the British or the Maori. I decided to do it from the Maori point of view and think I did a good job. We then had to put it onto Voki and make the character read it. I think I did a good job. Here is the link:

HAve you ever learnt about Waitangi day? If so please comment below. I appreciate your feedback.

Friday, February 26, 2021

Terrific Ta Moko

 Hi bloggers,

In the last week, we have been learning about Ta Moko. Ta moko is a form of Maori art on the face. We had to make a poster about Ta Moko on Canva. I had fun doing this and think I did a good job. Do you know anyone with a ta moko? If so please comment below. I appreciate your feedback.

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Stranger Danger

Hi bloggers,

Over the last couple of weeks, we have been learning about keeping ourselves safe. For this task, we were given the scenario of someone being at home and then a stumbling stranger approaches the door. We then had to make a presentation with different things to do in that situation and what the consequences would be. I made mine on Canva. I think I did a great job. Have you ever been in a situation where you have felt unsafe? If so please comment below. I appreciate your feedback.
Orange Blue Green Simple Fishbone Diagram Chart by Quinn Hanson

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Legendary Lego


Hi bloggers,

This week we have been working on putting ourselves into Lego form. On my character, I put a Tottenham shirt on my character because they are my favourite football team. I then did black pants, blue shoes and short brown hair to match my own hair. I worked hard on this and think it looks great. Do you enjoy playing with lego? If so please comment below. I appreciate your feedback.

All About Me

 Hi bloggers, 

Today we had to make a slideshow on Canva which shows readers our interests. I worked really hard on it and included lots of my pictures. Do you share any of my interests? If so please comment below. I appreciate your feedback.

About Me by Quinn Hanson

Perfect Pepeha

 Hi bloggers,

This week we have been working on our pepeha's. A pepeha is a Maori speech that tells the listener about yourself. In ours pepeha's, we had to include our mountain that we most relate with, our river that we most relate with, our culture, where our ancestors are from, our dad's name, our mum's name the gender and name of ou sibling/'s (if we have any), our name, where we live and photo's to match them all. We then had to make videos of them on Spark Adobe with us reading it out. 

I think I have done a good job and met all the requirements, Have you ever done your pepeha? If so please comment below. I appreciate your feedback.

Monday, February 15, 2021

Wonderful Wainui

 Hi bloggers,

Last week my class went to the Wainui YMCA camp from Tuesday to Friday. We did lots of activity including kayaking, high ropes and orienteering but my favourite activity was coasteering. In coasteering, you combine climbing rocks with jumping in the ocean and swimming in it. I found it really exciting and it pushed my comfort zone.

Camp was a great experience for me and I had a lot of fun. Have you ever been to camp? If so please comment below. I appreciate your feedback.

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Quirky Quotes

 Hi bloggers,

During the summer holidays, we have something called a learning slump if we don't do any work. So our teachers make us do the Summer Learning Journey to help stop the slump. For this task, I had to choose an inspirational quote and make a picture of it. I chose a Dr Seuss quote which I think has a great meaning to it. The image is from a website called Fractal Enlightenment. I think I have done a great job.

What is your favourite quote? Please comment below. I appreciate your feedback.

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Inspiring Internet

 Hi bloggers,

During the summer holidays, we have something called a learning slump if we don't do any work. So our teachers make us do the Summer Learning Journey to help stop the slump. For this activity, I had to think of what 4 websites on the internet help me the most with my learning at school. I chose Youtube because I use it to find videos which help me understand the topic, I've got Google Dictionary because I look up any words that I don't know in there, Google Drive because that Is where all my school work is kept and Wikipedia because It is really helpful for research and I can find out almost anything on it. The background belongs to the Us Embassy and the logos belong to there own companies.

I think I have done a great job. What is your favourite website? Please comment below. I appreciate your feedback.

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Interesting Interviews

  Hi bloggers,

During the summer holidays, we have something called a learning slump if we don't do any work. So our teachers make us do the Summer Learning Journey to help stop the slump. For this activity, I had to choose a basketballer and write down the 5 questions I would ask them if I had the chance. I chose to do my pretend interview with Michael Jordan as he is one of the most famous basketballers ever. I think I have chosen some really good questions. The image belongs to a website called The Oddysey.

WHo is your favourite basketballer? Please comment below. I appreciate your feedback.