
Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Spellodrome Literacy Must-Do

In Literacy, We Had To Go On Spellodrome for 20 minutes. I then had to make an activity using my words. I made a word find. I think it meets the success criteria because I have completed over one task on Spellodrome, I have used my word list and I know all the definitions. See if you can complete the word find. Post your results in the comments.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Wonderopilis reading must-do

I think it meets the success criteria because I have used a Digital Learning Object, I have identified something surprising, something interesting and something troubling. I have also completed the Did you Get It challenge and the Wonder Word Challenge.

KiwiKidsNews literacy must-do

I think I meet the success criteria because I have used a DLO, there is a SIT in my reflection and I have identified the characters, place and when from what the article told me.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Personal and private

In Cybersmart we have been learning the difference between personal information and private information. Some things about you, you can put online such as your favourite food etc but some things you should keep private such as your address. On this Google Drawing we had to put things you should put online or keep private in the box

My Book Character Diary Entry

In literacy, we had to design a diary entry from a character's point of view. I think it meets the success criteria because it is a page long, about a key moment in the story and I think it captures the character's emotion.

My photosynthesis report

In writing, we had to choose something powerful to write about and I chose photosynthesis. We had to find the information ourselves. If there is anything I can do to improve it please write in the comments below. I think it meets the success criteria because it has been checked against my writing rubric.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

My Book Mind Mup

In literacy, we had to make a mind mup.
I think it meets the success criteria because it covers all you need to know and has a couple of pictures to make it eyecatching.

Saturday, May 4, 2019

My Book Cover

In Literacy, we had to design a book cover and blurb and this is what I made.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

My Music

In Homebase Hauora We Have Been Using Incredibox. Here is the Links: